Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Mortgage Appraisals: Home Assessments and Valuation

A home appraisal is an assessment of a property’s market value conducted by a licensed appraiser. Appraisals are a standard part of the mortgage lending process, allowing lenders to confirm that a home is worth enough to secure the loan. …

Home Buying Process: Steps, Costs, and Legalities

Buying a home is an exciting milestone in many people’s lives. However, the process can also be complicated and stressful if you don’t know what to expect. This guide will walk you through the 10 main steps of the home…

Is Mortgage Due on the First?

This article explores the topic of mortgage payments, specifically concerning when they are due and the potential consequences of missing a mortgage payment. Is a mortgage due on the first? Mortgage payments are usually due on the first of the…

How Long Can You Lock a Mortgage Rate?

A small keychain in the shape of a house and mortgage papers

When applying for a mortgage, one of the most important decisions you will make is whether or not to lock in your interest rate. A mortgage rate lockallows you to secure a certain interest rate for a set period of time while you…

Paying Mortgages Early: Online Methods & Benefits

A woman paying off a mortgage online

A mortgage is a loan used to finance the purchase of a home or other real estate. The mortgage holder borrows money from a lender and agrees to pay it back over time, typically 15 or 30 years, with interest. …

How to Pay Your VA Mortgage Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

A US soldier with a family

A VA mortgage is a home loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It helps eligible veterans, active-duty service members, and surviving spouses purchase a home with no down payment and flexible underwriting.  Paying a VA mortgage…

How to Pay Guaranteed Rate Mortgage Online

A man using a laptop at work

Nowadays, we’re used to doing everything from the comfort of our homes. When it comes to finances, it can be a bit confusing. If you’re a Guaranteed Rate client, you probably want to know how to pay a Guaranteed Rate…

Who Pays the Mortgage Broker? Understanding Mortgage Broker Fees

A loan officer approving a home mortgage loan to clients

When looking to purchase a new home or refinance your existing mortgage, you may consider working with a mortgage broker to help you find the best loan options. But how exactly do mortgage brokers get paid? Mortgage brokers are paid through borrower-paid compensation, lender-paid compensation,…

Can VA Loans Waive Appraisal?

US solder looking at the paper

The VA loan is a popular mortgage option for eligible military members, veterans, and their surviving spouses. This government-backed loan offers competitive interest rates and requires little to no down payment.  One key component of the VA loan process is the appraisal. An…

Paying Off Your Mortgage Early: Pros, Cons, and How to Do It

Calculator and cash

Paying off your mortgage early can be an enticing goal. As you make extra payments each month and see your loan balance creep lower and lower, the promise of debt freedom and outright home ownership can seem very appealing. Can you pay money off your mortgage? Yes,…

Can FHA Loans Waive Appraisal?

A person filling out a Federal Housing Administration Loan application

For many homebuyers, obtaining an FHA loan is an attractive option due to their low down payment requirements and flexibility. However, FHA loans come with strict guidelines, including the requirement of an appraisal to determine the property’s value.  While appraisals give the lender confidence…

Can a Mortgage Lender Waive Appraisal?

A loan officer approving a home mortgage loan to clients

A mortgage appraisal is an assessment of the current market value of a property. It is conducted by a licensed real estate appraiser on behalf of the mortgage lender when a buyer is seeking a mortgage loan to purchase a home.  The appraiser will physically inspect the interior…

Can You Lock Your Mortgage Rate?

Person handing over the house key
If you wonder can you lock the mortgage rate, you came to the right place. We will tell you how and when is the best time to lock your rate.

Is Hazard Insurance Mortgage Insurance?

Getting mortgage insurance is an extensive process. Even if you own a property, you’ll still have to pay for hazard insurance. For new homeowners, we’ll answer the “Is hazard insurance mortgage insurance?” question right here. Hazard insurance is a part…

How Is Mortgage Insurance Premium Paid?

One of the best-known insurance policies new homeowners have to pay is mortgage insurance premium (MIP). So, how is mortgage insurance premium paid, and what does it represent? Mortgage insurance premium is paid at closing and annually for as long…

Are Mortgage Points Closing Costs?

During a close on a mortgage loan, you may hear the words ‘closing costs’ and ‘mortgage points.’ Since both are payments provided after the closing, you may wonder – are mortgage points closing costs? These two could be confused, but…

Escrow and Property Tax: How Your Escrow Account Handles Tax Payments

A person holding a house model while using a calculator

The escrow account is an integral part of the mortgage process. When you take out a mortgage loan to buy a home, your lender will likely require you to set up an escrow account to pay for property taxes and homeowners insurance.  But how exactly does this work? Does the…

How to Discharge a Mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan used to finance the purchase of a property, such as a house. The property itself serves as collateral on the loan. When you discharge a mortgage, you pay off the loan in full and release…

Can Closing Costs Be Included In Mortgage?

When you are buying a home, one of the biggest upfront costs you will encounter are closing costs. Closing costs refer to the various fees charged by lenders, attorneys, and other third parties to process, underwrite, and close the mortgage loan and real estate transaction.  These costs…