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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Why Is My Neighbor’s House Worth More on Zillow?

Have you been curious to know the value of your home? Did you then fall down a rabbit hole of finding the value of every home in your neighborhood? And were you disappointed that your neighbor’s house was worth more on Zillow? 

Zillow’s estimation of a home’s value is based on a variety of factors, such as recent renovations, market conditions, and accuracy of data.

So, why is your neighbor’s house worth more on Zillow? Your neighbor’s house is worth more on Zillow because your neighbor may have recently upgraded their house, which could have increased its value, or they may have listed their house during a hot market. It is also possible that there are errors in the data that Zillow used to estimate your home’s value or your neighbor’s home’s value, resulting in a discrepancy in the pricing.

In this article, I will tell you why your house isn’t showing a high evaluation. And what you can do to scale up its worth on Zillow. So read on carefully. 

Reasons Why Your Neighbor’s House Is Worth More

There could be many reasons why your neighbor’s house is worth more on Zillow. Here are a few possibilities:

1.   Recent Renovations or Upgrades

Your neighbor may have recently renovated or upgraded their house, which could have increased its value. Zillow takes into account several factors when estimating a home’s value. 

For instance, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and recent upgrades 

So check out for some new home bling that your neighbor may be flashing!

2.   Market Conditions

The housing market can fluctuate, with home values changing depending on supply and demand. If your neighbor’s house was listed during a hot market, it could have fetched a higher price than your own.

Make sure to always track the markets like a hawk! They may just change your worth. Who knows!?

3.   Inaccurate Data

Zillow’s estimates are based on a variety of data points, but they are not always perfect. It’s possible that there are errors in the data that Zillow used to estimate your home’s value or your neighbor’s home’s value. Result? A discrepancy in the pricing.

After all, nobody’s perfect, and neither is Zillow’s Algorithm. 

Ultimately, it’s important to keep in mind that Zillow’s estimates are just that – estimates. They can provide a helpful starting point for understanding the value of a home. But they should not be considered definitive or final.

How To Increase Your Home Valuation on Zillow?

Now that you know why your neighbor’s house may seem more expensive than yours. How about I give you some tips to increase your home evaluation so that you can show off a little? 

Before that, I must declare something! There is no ‘guaranteed way’ to increase your home’s Zestimate on Zillow. Why? The Zestimate is based on various factors that are not completely within your control. 

But here are some things that you can do to increase your home’s Zestimate:

1.   Keep your home’s information up-to-date

Zillow’s Zestimate is based on hard-core facts. Basically, data like square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and other features. 

So, if you notice any incorrect information, you can update it on Zillow’s website. This will ensure that the Zestimate is as accurate as possible.

That way, Zillow knows you are totally worth it.

1.   Make Improvements to Your Home

If you have the cash and are willing to go the extra mile, this is a potential option. If your home is in need of repairs, making improvements to your home could increase its value. And thus, it’s Zestimate. 

So consider making improvements. For instance, upgrading your kitchen or bathrooms or adding a fresh coat of paint. Beautifying has no downsides, and pretty can sometimes seem perfect! 

2.   Keep Up With Market Trends

Keeping up with the housing market in your area is important. It can help you understand whether home values are rising or falling. If home values in your area are rising, it’s possible that your Zestimate could increase as well. 

Be alert, and reap the benefits.

3.   Provide Additional Information

Zillow allows homeowners to add additional information about their homes that can be factored into the Zestimate. This could include information about recent renovations, upgrades, or unique features of your home.

Zillow offers a list of amenities; carefully review it and mark all the boxes that pertain to your house. The Zestimate of your property will take each feature into account, so make sure you don’t forget anything. 

In the home’s description, you can go into greater depth about the features you’ve selected.

For instance, attics have a checkbox on Zillow. Check this box if your house has an attic, and then explain the attic’s condition in your home’s description. 

The phrase “The insulated attic provides adequate storage space and can be accessed simply with a pull-down ladder” would be a good option.

What To Keep in Mind When Adding House Information on Zillow?

After doing all of this, if your valuation still hasn’t increased, here are a few last-minute hacks you can try to boost Zestimate on Zillow. 

  • Adopt a Buyer-Centered Approach. Which means customizing and personalizing descriptions to suit your buyer’s needs.  
  • Show off your favorite features of the house. Make sure you highlight them in the descriptions.
  • Be Honest About the Value of Your House. Honesty is truly the best policy for Zillow Zestimates.
  • Avoid over-exaggerating. Zillow is smart and not someone to be easily fooled. Stick to the facts and maybe get a little creative, but don’t go overboard. 

Final Thoughts 

There is no assurance that adding more details to your home’s Zillow page would raise its Zestimate. But adding it certainly can’t hurt. 

If you don’t choose amenities that are present in your homes, Zillow will presume that you don’t have them. Result? Lower Zestimate.

Also, you want prospective buyers to be able to see every amenity that your house has to offer.  Now your property’s description may not directly impact its Zestimate. But they will impact buyers’ decisions about whether to consider your listing.

Once you have changed the listing details, it is crucial to advertise your house as “for sale” on Zillow. Property buyers who are considering an area would “fly over” it before deciding whether to move. 

A red house sign denotes your property on Zillow’s map when you post it as “for sale.” Thus informing potential buyers that it is available. The red home icon will then direct buyers to the Zillow page that has the specific details you’ve given. 

Win over your buyers by making sure they have the best impression of your house. Soon you will have a line queued up for you. 

Enjoy the attention!