Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Danny Marshall

Danny Marshall

Can Closing Costs Be Included In Mortgage?

When you are buying a home, one of the biggest upfront costs you will encounter are closing costs. Closing costs refer to the various fees charged by lenders, attorneys, and other third parties to process, underwrite, and close the mortgage loan and real estate transaction.  These costs…

Are Mortgages Federal Loans?

No, not all mortgages are federal loans. Conventional and jumbo mortgages are provided by private lenders without government backing. Federal mortgages, such as FHA, VA, USDA and other government loans, are issued by private lenders but insured by U.S. government…

Is Better Mortgage Legit?

Better Mortgage is a loan service provider that helps people get mortgages and refinancing. They offer various types of loans, including fixed rate, adjustable rate, construction financing, and more. But is Better Mortgage legit? Better Mortgage is legit. Better Mortgage…